Bonnie Tarses

An image of a horoscope weaving made of ikat-dyed bamboo yarn.
Bonnie’s AuraHoroscope Weaving Fine bamboo yarn, ikat-dyed accents 18”x 96” 2018
An image of complied, multicolored images of spontaneous weavings..
Virtual Quilt # 9Complied student weaving from the workshop “Spontaneous Weaving From the Heart”Digital montage20”x 20”2018
Image courtesy of the artist
An image of a purple and orange-gold horoscope weaving on a pedestal..
The Pet You Don’t Have to Feed Horoscope WeavingRayon Chenille with hand braided fringe20” x 96”2005
An image of a blue and white horoscope weaving on a pedestal..
The Longest WorkshopDyed by seven of the artist's students and woven by the artistSilk Ikat sampler26”x 108” 2018
An image of a red/orange/purple scarf on a mannequin.
Totally Yummy Scarf Custom dyed, cotton warp12” x 74” 2013
Image courtesy of the artist
An image of a multicolored shawl on a mannequin, in front of spools of multicolored yarn.
Pam’s AuraHoroscope ShawlRayon Chenille with hand-braided fringe30”x 96”2015
Image courtesy of the artist

Full of life and gusto, the prolific work of Bonnie Tarses weaves straight from the sun, if the sun was located both inside the heart and outer-space. With masterful skill that is both precise and easeful, Tarses creates works that defy notions of pattern or reduction. Connecting heritage techniques with classical training, Tarses marries astrology, computing, metaphysics and joy with one of humanity's oldest art forms.

-Ian Carstens

Bonnie Tarses

Bonnie Tarses is a textile designer specializing in one-of-a-kind and custom handwoven textiles since 1960. Bonnie first learned her craft at Rhode Island School of Design and is currently settled in Missoula, Montana. In search of a set of personal symbols, Bonnie developed several techniques that have become her trademarks—Color Horoscope Weaving, Woven Words, and Turned-Weft Ikat (a twist on a traditional theme). Bonnie specializes in private commissions—working closely with the client to co-create a unique fabric which reflects the spirit of the individual. Thread by thread Bonnie works to help create a world filled with balance, harmony and beauty.

In addition to being a featured artist with Glass Breakfast you can find Bonnie Tarses' work at

Official Selection

Flathead Lake International Cinemafest - 2020